Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Peyton Danielle

Peyton is 2 1/2 now, and I think this is definitely one of my favorite ages! She is so much fun, the girl cracks me up all the time. She talks so much and says the funniest things! She loves to be silly! Right now, some of her favorite things are Mr.Monkey (of course), the movie Cars (which we watch probably 4 times a day), playing outside, and yogurt :-) She can be a little stinker, but for the most part she listens very well and behaves great. I'm really quite proud of her, she is very sweet and shows so much affection. She is always wanting hugs and kisses and says "I wuv you" all the time! She is a wonderful big sister, she just loves Hayley to death. She is always bringing her toys and she gets worried if she cries. She is starting to not want to share with her, but I make her, lol.

Here Comes Number 3!

Well, well, well, here comes another Frost baby!!! We are so excited!!!! This baby is due 2-2-12, so I'm about 14 1/2 weeks pregnant now. Feeling good and can't wait to see if this one is a boy or girl :-)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Camera!

My Mother's Day gift was a new expensive camera :-) I'm so excited!!! I'm still trying to figure everything out, but here are some pictures that I took of Hayley.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hayley Bear

I cannot believe that my Hayley will be 7 months old in just a couple weeks!! The time has flown by so fast, it is unbelievable! She is just a doll, such a perfect little girl. And I don't apologize for telling people she is perfect....because she is :) She is truely always happy, smiling and laughing. She sleeps 12 hours consistently every night and takes great naps....makes for a well-rested and happy momma :) She is starting to sit up on her own, with some help. She loves to be in her jumperoo, she even tries to jump in my lap, lol. She loves to try to eat her toes too! She still isn't rolling over yet, but we are working on that. She does the swimming motions when she is on her belly, so she is trying to move! She just had her 6 month check up and she weighs in at 21 pounds, lol. She is such a chunker!!! And I love the fat rolls, lol. She just makes me so happy. I can't believe how God blessed us with such an amazing baby.